


social media is everywhere.everybody can use social media.and even it has a lot of benefits.these are;
you can communicate with others easily,
you can learn informations easily,
and you can see world's events etc.

I wish we used social media for this.some of them use social media with bad aims.and we spend time so much in social media.some of them spend 18 hours in social media.instead of him,I'm very sad for him.and it can break you health .ı can say some of diseases;

they are being asocial,
their mind can get weakening
they can be more stress than others,
they can damage social relationship,
between  people increase competition etc.
these are so dangerous diseases.we should dicrease to using social media.and dont use for bad aims.

It Makes You More Negative.For many, social media is an outlet for all of their stresses, frustrations and heartbreaks, or a place to share their thoughts and feelings on the tragedies of the world. And while it may make them feel better, it certainly doesn’t relieve those who are reading it. In reading comments like this on a consistent basis, it would be hard for even the happiest person alive not to absorb some of the negativity. Shutting down your networking accounts will remove you from this sticky web, and help re-focus your time and energy on your own feelings.

It’s an Enormous Waste of Time.It likely doesn’t seem like it, since you only peruse the sites for a few minutes at a time, but if you tallied it all up I bet you’d be surprised how much time you spend on social media. According to new data, the average person spends 1.72 hours per day on social media sites. Given that we’re always complaining that there isn’t enough time in a day, quitting social media may be a great way to free up some time. Just think what you could do with that extra two hours? Maybe a workout, or a fresh-cooked meal? The possibilities are endless.
