


do you wanna be better person ? Who would not want that? ı have some suggests about self improvement.

reading books in every day;

books are a source for informations and improvements.every book read makes learning something.reading book is important for self improvement.

learning new languages;

learning new language contribute improvement to us.because you can see new cultures ,new life style.

have a new hobby;

everybody should be expect in a topic.because this is good for self improvement.and it is source of fun.

doing meditation;

meditation makes you calm.and it makes you relax.and if you that in the evening,it provides you to sleep  less.and you start to day great.

accept to your missing things;

everybody has a mistake or a missing,but you should think how can ı get it to fix .so You can concentrate on your shortcomings.

create a competition environment;

competition is a important factor to self improvement.because you try to study so much for being the first around your friends.
