


After world war 2,soviet union , america adn united kingdom didnt bargain with each other.united kingdom and america created a side,soviet union created a side.this is cold war.this war was including trade ,embargo,threats etc. actually there was everything except battle.this war was started in 1947.this war was started with soviet's european politics.the soviet union  was spreads communist regime everywhere. england and america who saw it,they were trying to prevent soviet union's project.but it was spread.the communist countries were germany,syria,romania,north korea,poland,afghanistan,Algeria,azerbaijan,hungary,finland etc. there were too much countries.but the war was in germany .The Soviet Union built a huge wall to prevent people from escaping from them. Berlin Wall. it is over 46 kilometers.stalin died in 1946.this death is bad for the  soviet union.because stalin was good at in this 1961,kennedy became president,he was an unusual person.if he hadnt lived assassination,this war would be world war 3. in 1962,the soviet union placed missile close to america.america placed missle close to the soviet union,too.but kennedy died.projects could not be implemented.when nikita krusçev became president in the soviet union,soviet union was declined.he didnt success.and the soviet union lost the cold war.and the soviet union's economy was so in 1991,the soviet union was dispersed.and in 1991,berlin wall was destroyed.and all of the soviet union countries won their independence
