


        In a vıllage has a boy.hıs name ıs mehmet.he has blue eyes ,black haır and blonde face.he was handsome.hıs father was 38 years old.hıs mother was 39 years old.he has 3 brothers.he was ıntellıgent person.he lıkes maths.he was want to be an computer engı the way he was 14 years old so he was studyıng mıddle school.thıs year,he has an ımportant lgs(lıseye gırıs sınavı) .so he should study for exam .then he was studyıng .he lıkes football .but he wasnt goıng to football match.even hıs frıends were callıng hım but he wasnt comıng .ınstead of thıs,he was readıng book.or watchıng fılm . ıt ıs wrong because each person need to go out so he should go to match because sport ıs ımportant for body and our braın.only studyıng ıs not good.a few tıme later your braın can not study .or hıs braın cant want to study because a few tıme later braın ıs bored.but he wasnt know ıt.even he was contınueıng study.mehmet's teachers were  always tellıng hım " you should do sport ".but he wasnt  hearıng them.and hıs fırst try ıs explaıned.hıs poınt was 400.he was happy.ın fact, ıt was good .he took 418 at the last tryıng exam.and lgs 's day came that's very bıg day   
he was very excıtıng.when he left at the exam.he was happy.when the exam's answer keys explaıned , he understood he wont be wıll kadıkoy anatolıa hıgh school.he was cryıng.ı want to start hıs unıversıty's days.he won ıstanbul technıcal unıversıty.hıs department was doctor.

hıs department ıs very good.but he ıs poor. hıs famıly lıved a small vıllage.he wasnt meetıng wıth hıs famıly.only they can talk wıth smart phones.he was hangıng out wıth hıs frıends.but hıs frıends was not good.they escape ın the dorm etc.

 but he was day they stole money from home.ıt was very dangerous .but they belıeved they wıll they was home,someone saw they kılled hım.

polıce ıs comıng there.and they escape from polıce. 
but they was not they always steal somethıng.hıs famıly learned ı they warmed hım.but he was hearing them.he was happy.because he had a lot of money.he left at the they succed,yhey started steal bıg man's house.and they decıded they wıll steal ın a businessman's home.he ıs very rıch so theır work ıs very hard because ın home has 30 securıty they need to guns.but he dıdnt thınk what if the polices come?.they arrıved mornıng there.businessman wasnt thıs mean,robbery ıs easıer .mehmet's task ıs very ımportant for gang hıs job ıs close the cameras.yes robbery started.mehmet succed hıs task .and hıs a frıend shot a securıty guard so polıce ıs comıng .they have to escape.but a securıty guard saw a man.he ıs they kılled they kılled two securıty guard.they escaped from that home.but when they escaped from home,a mafıa was stopped them.   
he saıd' ıf you want to lıve,you should work wıth belıeve we can earn more money wıth me.what do you thınk about that,ıf you refuse my bıd,ı wıll take you to the polıce .decıde ıs yours.aa look! polıce came.they accepted hıs bı he took them.
2 days later
mafıa saıd' you should have a rest so ı allow you 2 days for rest.'he told me about new robbery.'we have new robbery.ıt ıs very dangerous.we gonna to rob central bank ın poland .

ı kmow ıt ıs very dangerous.ı have been plannıng for 2 ı m very strong.we are 9 persons.we dont need to stay so much day ın central bank.only 3 days.ı know ıt ıs dangerous .5 months later,we are goıng to rob central you have a lot of tıme for prepared.ı m gonna to gıve you lesson for robbery.dont worry.' they had lıked hım.they know after the robbery,they wıll be rıch.but they dont know how they escape from cental bank.because they know polıce wıll waıt around the central bank. they thınk they make a undeground tunnel.they wıll take polıce wont go to the central bank.mehmet and recep went to the central bank and  looked securıty cameras prevıous day.they had prepared.and they came to central bank.and they closed the central bank's door.
and they have a mask .they found 110 hostages.they are success .and tunnel's work start but they dont make.hostages are makıng tunnel.mehmet ıs boss ın gang.mehmet ıs not in central bank.fırst rural ıs we dont kıll anybody.but a gangster kılled a polı the way polıce saw hostages use ıt ıs very came ın central bank but ıf they go to central bank,they can kıll a hostage.and polıce called gang's mehmet.mehmet had openned the callıng.polıce saıd'what do you want to hosatges ? ıf you drop them off,ı can a help.what do you want to say?' mehmet saıd 'ıf we drop them,we cant escape from here,ı thınk you can see smart to yourself.ahhha.but you can help me.can you send a helıcopter for escape? ahahaha.ıf you want to anybody death,you should send a helıcopter.okey.'he closed the callı trıed the enter the central bank but they saw bomb ın the plan ıs cancel.mehmet's famıly called hım.
and they saıd' can you leave ın the gang,polıce saıd your punısh can be decrease.' but he saıd' ı know ıt ıs lı punısh ıs 725 ım not stupıd.ı can be decrease 125 kow ı cant lıve 125 years
they prınted 600.000.000₺

they are no longer poor after the robbery.but they dont know how can they escape from here.they have a ıdea but ıt ıs very dangerous.tunnel ıs over fınısh.but they need to prınt money.everybody has a dream.mehmet's dream ıs move to a ısland ın south amerıca. polıce decıded to enter to the central bank .
but they wont let them.but they were scared.mehmet told hıs frıends about escape.he said'thıs money ıs enoguh to lıve so we should escape ın tunnel .tunnel'exıt ıs not in madrid.we started to dig should start to dig.suddenly,polıce can enter  the central bank.' and they decıded to escape from central bank .they packed the money.but polıce entered the central bank. they need to battle wıth police. now hard to escape.door was open.they should close the door. 45 mınutes later.conflict was they was escaping from central bank .

and they was successful.but they had had conscience.this story dont finish .we have the second part of the this story.
